Thursday, October 8, 2009

A fallen leaf is nothing more than a summer's wave good bye....

I have really been enjoying my morning walks since it has started cooling off.
The dogs and I go to the highway and back every morning...or at least we try to.
They go running about sniffing the ground seeing what came through during the night
and I enjoy the sights and smells of the woods.

Today is Show and Tell  Friday at  My Romantic Home .  Cindy has invited us to join
and share from our home and garden....she is showing us wonderful vintage jewelry

A native vine that covers the roadsides and it is all over our creek bank.

Mexican Sage.....

Cypress tree....

Cedar berries.....

This was taken down in the spring area below the house...DH has been there
the past week trying out his new chainsaw. I'll have to take photos when he
gets finished and post them.

Mossy rocks...