Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"Autumn-the reprieve from Summer."

Autumn is indeed a wonderful time...it brings relief from garden chores and relief from the summer heat.
Watching the falling leaves brings a peace and contentment not felt
by any other season.
Autumn is spent quite quickly planning for the holidays and it is over almost before it began........

The last of the hydrangeas...I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed the Limelight 's I planted. They are so beautiful and sooooo easy care. My kind of plant for sure.
Can you see the lizard tail in the top right-hand corner?

There are two lizards in this photo...can you find both of them?

It seemed like the lizards were having a lizard convention the day I picked the last of the hydrangeas...every one I picked had one or two inside. I even took two in the house when I hung some up to dry.

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Holiday Season!!!