Friday, June 26, 2009

Fertilizer Friday~~~Flaunt Your Flowers

It's Fertilizer Friday over at Tootsie Time !!
I always use potting soil that already has fertilizer in it but I picked up a bottle of fish emulsion back in early spring and stuck it back in the garden shed. Forgot all about it until two weeks ago. I watered my potted plants well, then I fertilized with the fish emulsion. I can really tell a difference in my plants.
My DH started sniffing when he came to the back porch...I started laughing because I knew what he was smelling. He said it smelled like crawfish...8-).

I planted these last fall and thought they were pink. I was pleasantly surprised to see they were white! BTW , I did make it to Ellis Pottery in Longview and they had big pots of pink and white coneflowers on sale for $5. All their perennials were on sale. The only problem is it's 100* outside and I have enough to water.

This was taken back in the spring when the roses were in full bloom...that is New Dawn on the arbor and Darlows Enigma in the background. The vine by the flower pot is a clematis.

I love this hibiscus!!! The blooms are huge!